Our Core Principles


Students will be provided with a Personal Learning Plan based on their individual aspirations and recovery goals. They are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning, with goals that may extend beyond the college. They will also receive a 'Recovery College Student Folder' to accompany them on their learning journey when they engage with a Peer Learning Advisor/Educator.

Co-production and Co-facilitation

Recovery Colleges combine the expertise of lived experience and professional knowledge (clinical and education) in an inclusive, safe learning environment.

Strengths-based and Person-centred

Students and educators are recognised for the qualities, skills, and strengths they bring to the Recovery College.

Recovery Focused

Recovery Colleges focus on recovery at multiple levels: personally for individual students, as a learning community focused on recovery, and promoting recovery-focused change across the system.


Recovery Colleges provide a space for everyone, bringing together individuals with mental health challenges, those experiencing emotional distress, friends, family, and mental health workers. They offer equal opportunities for students of all ages, cultures, abilities, and experiences. A diagnosis is not required to attend: the emphasis is on sharing knowledge, skills, and experience to support recovery. The curriculum is underpinned by inclusive education principles, Disability Standards in Education, and a trauma-informed educational approach.


Co-learning is central to Recovery Colleges. Anyone interested in mental health and wellbeing can learn in a democratic environment where all expertise is valued and shared, acknowledging that educators do not 'hold' all the expertise.


Recovery Colleges are integrated with their community and the mental health service, acting as a bridge between the two. The college can draw upon the skills and resources of the community to co-produce and co-deliver courses, share venues, or develop pathways into other education, training, and valued roles.